Theatre Programs: From Ephemeral Prints to Historical Sources (FR)

Study Day, 2025 January 23-24

Despite their (non-exhaustive) preservation in museum collections, these documents are often overlooked as sources for studying the history of the performing arts. Yet theater playbills may reveal networks of collaboration, the diversity of editorial strategies adopted by producers and distributors, the aesthetic, economic and political tendencies of cultural institutions, and can also provide ways of interpreting and understanding shows. As descriptive documents, they offer direct access to “raw” information on artists and institutions, before any press mediation.

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L'Art des données, les données de l'art

Seminar, 2024 September 16 - December 9

As part of the European research project STAGE (From Stage to Data, the Digital Turn of Contemporary Performing Arts Historiography) led by Clarisse Bardiot, this research seminar offers an in-depth introduction to the issues, concepts, methods, and tools for the digital study of texts, images, and cultural data.

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Représenter les arts de la scène : ontologies et modèles de données

Study Day, 2024 September 13

This study day, organized as part of the ERC project 'From Stage to Data' in the form of a collaborative workshop, brings together researchers in theater studies, ontology experts, and computer scientists. Based on a review of the state of the art in ontologies for the performing arts and the CapData Opera project for structuring and disseminating cultural data, the participants will examine the challenges of knowledge modeling for research in theater studies.

Participants: Bernard Jacquemin (Université de Lille), Eudes Peyres (Réseau des Opéras de France), Christophe Schuwey (Université Bretagne Sud), Augustin Braud (CNRS), Bénédicte Boisson (Université Rennes 2), Marion Denizot (Université Rennes 2), Pierre Causse (Université Rennes 2), Laura Naudeix (Université Rennes 2), Clarisse Bardiot (Université Rennes 2), Jacob Hart (Université Rennes 2), Théo Heugebaert (Université Rennes 2), Nicolas Foucault (Université Rennes 2), Antonios Lagarias (Université Rennes 2), Jeanne Fras (Université Rennes 2).

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Reimagining Annotation for Multimodal Cultural Heritage

Conference and STAGE project launch, 2024 February 7-9

Rapid advances in digital technology are constantly expanding the ways in which we can annotate multimodal documents, be they texts, images, videos, sounds, web pages or code.

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